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Aromas Dog Park

Open since July 2019, the Aromas Dog Park is open Sunrise to Sunset

The Aromas Dog Park was formed under the leadership of local community members and built by volunteers.

The park features two separate areas for large and small dogs, a gated pen for entering and exiting, and available fresh water.  The dog park relies on volunteers for support, maintenance, and operation.

join the aromas dog park group on Facebook to keep up to date with Dog Park Fun!

Have you seen the updated Dog Park? The updates were done as an Eagle scout project by Elijah T. from Troop 504. Elijah worked on revitalizing the Entrance to the Dog Park. the Project consisted of painting, resurfacing, and putting a roof on the large bulletin board, planting shrubs, installing fresh mulch painting the perimemter a dark blue, installing solar lighting, and the placement of a PLaque and boulder honoring the project.

thank you Elijah for all the hard work you did to elevate the Dog park to how it looks Today.

Initial drawing of the dog park

Initial drawing of the dog park

Many work days and volunteer hours led to its creation

Many work days and volunteer hours led to its creation

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